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Showing posts with the label Splendiferous

Today's Words: Clepsydra, Splendiferous and Maelstrom

Clepsydra (klep-si-druh) Noun an ancient device for measuring time by the regulated flow of water or mercury through a small aperture More about Clepsydra First used in English between 1640–50. Latinized form of the Greek klepsýdra, from kléptein, “to steal, conceal” + hydra, “water.” Cf. kleptomania and kleptocracy Examples of Clepsydra The clepsydra’s steady drip of water provided a reliable method for tracking time in ancient civilizations. The ancient Greeks employed a clepsydra to time speeches during their legislative assemblies. Splendiferous (splen-dif-er-uhs) Adjective splendid; magnificent More about Splendiferous First recorded between 1425–75. Late Middle English from Late Latin splendōrifer, “brightness-bearing,”  Examples of Splendiferous The holiday decorations around the city were splendiferous, creating a magical and festive atmosphere for all to enjoy. The chef prepared a splendiferous feast, with every dish more delicious and beautifully presented than the last. Mael