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Showing posts with the label to blur

Today's Words: Kerplunk, Opismath and Mackle

Kerplunk (ker-pluhngk) Adverb with or as if with a sudden muffled thud More about Kerplunk First recorded in 1885–90; see origin at ker-, plunk.  Examples of Kerplunk The bowling ball rolled off the rack and hit the ground kerplunk. I threw the rock into the lake, and it splashed kerplunk into the water. Opismath (op-suh-math) Noun a person who begins to learn late in life More about Opismath Formed from the Greek opsimathēs, from opse, “late” + -mathēs, adj. derivative of manthánein, “learn.” Compare with polymath and chrestomathy  Examples of Opismath The opsimath eagerly enrolled in university courses, proving that it’s never too late to learn. As an opsimath, she enjoyed challenging herself with new academic subjects well into her senior years. Mackle (mak-uhl) Verb to blur, as from a double impression in printing More about Mackle First used in 1585–95. A variant of earlier macle, makle; earlier macule (from the Latin macula, “spot, blemish”). Cf. with immaculate. Ex...