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Showing posts with the label GreenPower

EV Charging stations to boost multiple business set ups, employment: Amit Rane

Amit Rane is the Founder and Managing Director of the Pune headquartered WUDMIN ENERGY renewable energy company dealing with consulting financing, education, and technology transfer. He is into EV charging stations in Maharashtra and planning to spread the network possible. In a freewheeling chat, he shares his background, experience, and plans ahead to surge.  Excerpts from the interaction: Q: How did your journey into the electric vehicle charging industry began? Amit Rane: The journey started in 2012 when I was in the US with DFW and I was working on a project where they wanted to convert a high-speed electric testing track in North Carolina. The idea was to understand the scenario in 2030 as to what will happen when the electric vehicles will hit the road and the electric grid is shared. It wasn’t stimulation at that point in time but for understanding the situation. It was like studying various areas as electric vehicles were hardly there on the roads. It was more like knowin...