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Showing posts with the label DrPraimalaJaggesh

Dr. Parimala Jaggesh shows a way to bid adieu to Diabetes

AlaMirap Nutrition is a Bengaluru-based nutritional company and according to founder and CEO Dr. Parimala Jaggesh, AlaMirap is amongst the pioneer companies in the world providing nutritional counseling based on your Blood Glucose Levels exclusively - G.L.A.M. diet - a copyrighted diet process. And if you ask what is AlaMirap, it's Dr. Parimala’s name in the reverse direction! The core belief in the name is anyone, at any age, can start reversing their way back to health and wellness. Dr. Parimala Jaggesh, an Architect, a homemaker turned Medical Transcriptionist turned Dietician and Nutritionist admits- “These days the term Diabetic Reversal has become commercial. It falsely leads us to believe that every single diabetic can reverse and become a non-diabetic. Of course, lifestyle changes and interventions can assist pre-diabetics and a percentage of type-2 diabetics to reverse their diabetes, but not everyone. Dr. Parimala Jaggesh Whereas, the term she would like to use is Diabet...