S umalatha,multilingual film star turned Independent candidate from Mandya Lok Sabha constituency has become subject matter for hot discussion in political circles these days while the mammoth turn out of fans during her filing of nomination papers last week has sent shock waves to the top brass of ruling Janata Dal Secular party. image source : economictimes.indiatimes.com All these days she had preferred to be in the side wings of main stream politics as long as her late husband,actor MH Ambareesh played an active role.But after his demise a few months back,just like typical movie style she declared her intention of plunging into real politics only to serve the people of Mandya.Her defense for such a sudden decision was:The local people have heaped tremendous love,faith and affection to Ambareesh during his life time and the same was replicated in multiple folds when he passed away.Perhaps the only way to pay it back is to seek an opportunity to serve them. On the face
Blog shows articles written by journalist from Karnataka Mr. Manohar Yadavatti on Politics, Nature, People etc