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Today's Words: Solidarity, Hangry and Feckless

Solidarity (sol-i-dar-i-tee) Noun community of feelings, purposes, interests, or responsibilities More about Solidarity First recorded in 1840–50. From French solidarité, equivalent to solidaire, solidary + ite, ity. Examples of Solidarity In times of crisis, the community came together in solidarity to support one another. They expressed their solidarity with the cause by wearing matching ribbons. Hangry (hang-gree) Adjective feeling irritable or irrationally angry as a result of being hungry More about Hangry First recorded in 1915–20. Formed from h(ungry) + angry. Examples of Hangry After a long day at work, he came home hangry and ready to raid the fridge. I snapped at my friend because I was feeling hangry after skipping lunch. Feckless (fek-lis) Adjective ineffective; incompetent; futile More about Feckless First recorded in 1590–1600. Originally Scots, from feck, shortened from effeck, Scots form of effect + -less.  Examples of Feckless The feckless security measures failed to p