"PM has proved himself to be a glorious example" Prime Minister Narendra Modi P rime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to the forward regions today is a very big morale booster to all the brave soldiers safeguarding the country's borders in difficult terrain and extreme conditions, exclaimed Brigadier(Retd.) DM Purvimath here today. Talking to Hindusthan Samachar over the phone, the former Chief Engineer of Border Roads Organization(BRO) applauded the efforts of the PM in becoming a glorious example by leading the nation from the front. The Prime Minister visiting the international border areas on the eve of the aftermath of disturbing developments has definitely inspired our Jawans. It is a good message to the soldiers and the nation described Brig. (Retd) DM Purvimath. He also appreciated the words of the Prime Minister that the infrastructure development and mobilization of weapons in the border areas are for peace. The head of the nation visiting a trouble-torn ar
Blog shows articles written by journalist from Karnataka Mr. Manohar Yadavatti on Politics, Nature, People etc