Bengaluru: Bheemrao Kalappa Badiger, a veteran artist from Bidar is holding a one-man show of his artworks at the reputed Jehangir Art Gallery in Mumbai from 03 September to 09 September. He had earlier displayed his works in the same Jehangir Art Gallery in a group exhibition in 2021. Apart from that he has taken part in several group exhibitions in Mumbai and across the country. Here is a glance at his accomplishments in the past few decades: Education: A.M.G.D. (Art) Government Art School, Dharwad. Master of Visual Arts (MVA), Kannada University, Hampi. Solo Painting Exhibitions: 1993 - Entertainment Centre, Raichur. (Karnataka Lalitakala Academy). 2022 - Solo Exhibition Chitrakala Parishath, Bengaluru, Art Festival. Group Painting Exhibitions: 1991 - We Four Painting Exhibition, Vijayapura. 2000 - Two of Us Painting Exhibition, Mangaluru. 2005 - 72nd Kannada Sahitya Sammelana, Bidar. 2006 - Group Painting Exhibition, Mumbai. 2006 - Timeline Emerging Artists of Karnataka,
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