Karnataka BJP loses a shrewd strategist in the untimely demise of HN Ananthkumar In the untimely demise of HN Ananthkumar,Union Parliamentary Affairs,Fertilizers and Chemicals Minister,the state and the Bharatiya Janata Party in particular apart from the nation at large have suffered a severe loss in realistic sense.Perhaps the biggest jolt is to the state unit of the BJP. As rightly pointed out by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, HN Ananthkumar was a great asset and a 'tragic loss' as described by President Ram Nath Kovind.No doubt he proved to be a shrewd strategist boasting of mass contact at the grassroots level. He was only 59 years old when he breathed his last at the Shankar Cancer Hospital in the wee hours today.His wife Tejaswini and daughters Aishwarya and Vijeta were at the bedside when the end came in.In fact he was admitted to the Cancer hospital since more than a month back. He had initial treatment in the United States and later in United Kingdom after
Blog shows articles written by journalist from Karnataka Mr. Manohar Yadavatti on Politics, Nature, People etc