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Showing posts with the label Siddaramaiah

V Sreenivas Prasad: End of a Dissent Dalit Voice

Bengaluru: Venkataiah Srinivas Prasad’s passing away looks like paving the way for an end of dissent Dalit voice in public life and more so in the politics of Karnataka. His passing away was neither sudden nor unexpected as his ill health was well-known to all those known to him. It’s a real big surprise that he could brave all odds on the health front so far despite being on dialysis daily for years. Eternal dissent in a way: Like true socialists’ he lived being an eternal dissent since the beginning of his public life and later forever, whether in or out of being in power positions. On the other hand, he refused to budge or compromise on his stance other than kicking out the power positions. Only a few years back, he resigned as a revenue minister following differences with Siddaramaiah, then the chief minister. He could have easily remained a minister until the end of the tenure, but he was the last person to even think so. Golden jubilee in politics: A resident of the royal Mysur

Revoking Anti Cow Slaughter Act: Congress stumbles opening a Pandora box!

                                                                                             Image Source Bengaluru: The Siddaramaiah-led Indian National Congress (INC) party government in the state of Karnataka appears to have taken off with a series of bumps, to begin with. Many cabinet ministers, even before their portfolios were announced officially started making pronouncements unbecoming of any responsible authority. Some, in a hurry to hit the headlines, also stooped to make a mockery of themselves. K Venkatesh, Animal Husbandry Minister is the latest bright star in this regard. Why not cows slaughter? Animal Husbandry Minister K Venkatesh hinted at the withdrawal of the anti-cow slaughter law in his interaction with the media persons after taking over as a Minister. He also went on to add-“The present anti-cow slaughter legislation makes a provision for slaughtering buffaloes but not cows…But why cows shouldn’t be slaughtered? Many farmers are in trouble due to the stipulati

Karnataka Elections: Ruling BJP, Opposition Congress and Janata Dal-S on get set go mode

With the formal announcement of general elections to the Karnataka state Assembly by the Election Commission of India on Wednesday last, the tables have been cleared for a free for all among all the three major political contenders in the state. These parties include the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), main opposition Indian National Congress (INC) and the fence sitter, power hungry, king maker turned king regional party Janata Dal-Secular (JD-S). The state will go to polls on a single day on 10th May while the results are slated to be known on 13th May. Preparations from past one year: Maybe, the Election Commission declared the electoral calendar of events on Wednesday, 29th March, but all the formidable rivals have been on a campaigning and preparatory spree since more than a year. The statement holds good to all the major players like the BJP, INC, JD-S. And not to be left behind, the New Delhi based and centered Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), is also in the fray making noise every n

Karnataka BJP grabs power but same old challenges continue to haunt the saffron party

B haratiya Janata Party(BJP) has at last succeeded in its seventh attempt, thanks to ‘Operation Lotus’, to dislodge the 14 months old HD Kumaraswamy led Janata Dal-Secular(JD-S) and Indian National Congress(INC) coalition parties state government. Perhaps the big difference this final time was that the mission was kept as a closely guarded secret, unlike the previous six times when all the BJP leaders, top and sundry kept on announcing day in and day out that the JDS-INC government is going to fall! BS Yeddyurappa was sworn in as the Chief Minister for the third time soon after the May 2018 Assembly elections although the party had won only in 104 seats and was far away from the magical 113 number to prove the majority. ImageSource: To suit the challenge before the party, Governor Vajubhai Vala gave a long rope of two weeks period to prove the majority. Irked by this prolonged time frame, both the Congress and JDS approached the Supreme Court.Probably for the firs

Karnataka people continue to suffer while MLAs' relish in five star luxury

T he state is reeling under severe drought conditions with people suffering from drinking water and scarcity of fodder but the people whom they elected as their representatives have no time to listen to their woes as they are overbusy in their political games! ImageSource: This is not for the first time that the state is witnessing such a wreckless situation as it was also the same pathetic plight during October 2009 when a Bharatiya Janata Party government was in office. Then BS Yeddyurappa was the chief minister and Gali Janardhan Reddy, Tourism minister in his cabinet.An ordinary head constable's son turned mining baron, G Janardhan Reddy had literally taken the BS Yeddyurappa led BJP government for a toss as he chose to fly to Hyderabad and Goa along with more than 40 ruling party MLAs' to rebel against the 'dictatorial attitude' of the chief minister. Then most regions of the North Karnataka were marooned due to heavy rains and rapid floods ther

Countdown for Karnataka JDS-INC government begins

T he HD Kumaraswamy led Janata Dal Secular-Congress coalition government which had been literally walking on a tight rope ever since it came to power in May 2018 now appears to be on the death bed, thanks to the exit polls indicating a National Democratic Alliance(NDA) government romping back at the Center.In fact the outcome of the Lok Sabha elections in the state according to the pollsters is no good news either to the sworn enemies turned partners for power. It has been projected that the Bharatiya Janata Party, currently the main opposition party is likely to emerge victorious in about 16-23 constituencies out of the total number of 28 seats. Indian National Congress(INC) is being told to win in 6-8 and the Janata Dal Secular(JDS) in 1-2 seats, and such survey results much before the formal process of counting of votes has rattled both the ruling party leaders. HD Kumaraswamy, Chief Minister who was scheduled to be in New Delhi to be part of the opposition protest has suddenly ca

Modi...Modi slogans irk alliance leaders to stoop too low in their public diatribe

T he panic buttons within the alliance partners in the state appear to have been switched on their own if you were to lend your ears to the angry outbursts of the Janata Dal Secular and Congress party leaders at public meetings across the state. Thanks to the cheering crowd of youths raising slogans like Modi...Modi... wherever the JDS-Congress leaders go it's becoming very difficult for the latter to relish,forget digest the slogans showering heap of praises on Prime Minister Narendra Modi. image HD Kumaraswamy,Chief Minister became annoyed and perplexed during his visit to South Canara,the coastal district where he was greeted with chants like Modi...Modi.. by the local youth. It may be recalled here that the entire coastal belt comprising of South Canara,Udupi and North Canara districts by and large are typical saffron bastions ever since early eighties. So it was but for natural for the chief minister in not relishing the sloganeering praising the