H ah-Koo: N oun (in Hawaii) a crown of fresh flowers. MORE ABOUT HAKU First recorded in 1835–40. Comes from Hawaiian and means literally, “to arrange, put in order, compose, braid.” EXAMPLES OF HAKU The hula dancer gracefully moved across the stage, her haku swaying with each step. As a symbol of celebration and honour, he presented a fragrant haku to the guest of honour. Jouissance [ zhwee-sah n ns ] noun pleasure; enjoyment . MORE ABOUT JOUISSANCE First recorded in English in 1480–90. Comes from Old French, equivalent to jouiss -, stem of jouir “to enjoy.” EXAMPLES OF JOUISSANCE The novel’s rich descriptions and poetic language offered readers moments of jouissance as they immersed themselves in its captivating narrative. The ballet performance was a masterpiece of grace and passion, eliciting feelings of jouissance in all who had the privilege to witness it. Smorgasbord [ smawr -g uh s-bawrd, shmawr - ] MORE ABOUT SMORGASBORD First recorded in 1875–80. Comes from the
Blog shows articles written by journalist from Karnataka Mr. Manohar Yadavatti on Politics, Nature, People etc