T he ruling Bharatiya Janata Party(BJP) looks to be poised for a comfortable win in a majority of the 15 state Assembly constituencies wherein bye-polls are scheduled on coming Thursday 05 December. However, Rajarajeshwarinagar in Bengaluru city and Maski constituency in Raichuru district are not included in this phase of bye-polls as the defeated BJP candidates have contested the victory of the then rival Congress candidates in both these constituencies during the May 2018 general elections. A lot of dust has been created among the BJP, INC and JD-S leaders who have been overbusy these days by washing linen in public during the electioneering campaign which is getting over in the next couple of days. Although the polling process is slated to be over on 05 December, the results will be known only on next Monday, 09 December when the Electronic Voting Machines(EVM's) will be unlocked for counting of votes. These bye-elections made inevitable due to the resignations of 14 Indi
Blog shows articles written by journalist from Karnataka Mr. Manohar Yadavatti on Politics, Nature, People etc