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CK Jaffer Shariff Congress loses its prominent Muslim face in Karnataka

CK Jaffer Shariff Congress loses its prominent Muslim face in Karnataka Challakere Abdul Kareem Jaffer Shariff was an embodiment of the proverb: Small is beautiful. A relatively dwarf personality by physical stature but made it big on the national politics in general and in a dominant manner on the home turf of Karnataka. But no one disputes the fact of a prominent face of the Congress in the state being withered away with the demise of CK Jaffer Shariff. Unfortunately the former Union Minister’s death went unnoticed in the mainstream media as MH Ambareesh, another former union minister and popular Kannada film personality also passed away the very same day. In fact the local vernacular TV channels beamed live the developments related to the actor’s death and funeral day in and day out but chose to ignore a political leader who had immensely contributed to the state and nation. CKJS’s meteoric rise in politics is typical to the rags and riches stories. He hailed from a