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Today's Words: Cliché, Gauche and Disparate


Refers to a saying or expression that has been so overused that it has become boring and unoriginal. Think about the expressions "easy as pie," or "don't play with fire," or "beauty is skin deep." These are all cliches.

A phrase or an idea that has been used so often that it no longer has much meaning and is not interesting

His article is stuffed with cliches.

 The cliche is a feature of bad journalism.

The article collapses under the sheer weight of cliches.

To use a well-worn cliche, it is packed with information.

I've learned that the cliche about life not being fair is true.


Unsophisticated and socially awkward.

A shy and gauche teenager

Awkward; crude

Adjective. lacking social grace, sensitivity, or acuteness; awkward; crude; tactless: Their exquisite manners always make me feel gauche.

1. We're all a bit gauche when we're young.

2. She was a rather gauche, provincial creature.

3. It would be gauche to mention the price.

4. She had grown from a gauche teenager to a self-assured young woman.

5. She knew she would be gauche and awkward

Awkward and uncomfortable with other people, especially because young and without experience:

She had grown from a gauche teenager to a self-assured young woman.


Fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind

1. Chalk and cheese are disparate substances.

2. The five experiments gave quite disparate results

3. The recession has created an atmosphere where disparate groups fraternise in an atmosphere of mutual support.

4. A critical study that aims to cover such disparate forms as Anglo-Saxon poetry and the modern novel.

5. The two cultures were so utterly disparate that she found it hard to adapt from one to the other.


Surveil...         surveillance 

Equanimity .. calmness

Expedient .... action 

Exigent...... ...urgent 

Obdurate...    stubborn 

Recondite... incomprehensible 

Compendious... concise 

Egregious .... extremely bad


Cavil....petty objections

Importune.. harras repeatedly

Fractious.. unruly

Obfuscate..make intentionally unclear

Asperity... harshness of tone

Cliche... overused phrase


Inputs Courtesy: ENT Specialist Doctor with 41 years of experience and preferring to remain anonymous.


  1. We use these words often. Yet we do not know the exact meaning. These have specific and concise meaning for use in appropriate context. Thanks for sharing this.


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